HEYLLOOSSS OHTHREEIANS♥! woohs. finally, i gt th time to post.anw peeps i ran out of things to talk so study hard for th upcoming common test;) its gonna be a short post now. so im ending soooooooonnnnnnn;D
i'm damnit arrwsome; Nad:)~with a HUGE 'N' !
2:17 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wow , ohthree , i didn't know Damian is my bigbig fan .
See th previous post , i have posers , just like famous people . [;
Damian , damian , my CCA is indeed awesome , but no need tell everyone that , can ?
A bit dumb , he ownself admitted t being th poser . :D
* laughs , laughs , laughs then dies * :)
Homecomingday was goooooooood , rightrightright ?
okayh , see you tomorrow !
love nadrah ! , [;
3:32 AM
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Greetinqs peepohs . I come in peace .
i am nadrah and look at my awesome cca ! :D Por ... erhum , i mean photography !
ps , i am not nadrah uhhs . i am an imposer . but i type like nadrah . :D
with love , (L) nadrah's imposer .
6:55 AM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
one oh 3. you want change blogskin? :D
12:46 AM
Crap luhs .
Haven't do art yet .
I want more MC . ):
PLUSPLUSPLUS , math test tmr !
JYJYs ohthree !
ANDAND homecomingdayyyyy !, <3
this saturday . :D
love , ( youknowwho ) [;
12:12 AM
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hey baybes .
I are sadded atm .
ihateyou stupid leg .
Not gnna do th updating .
` byebye , { nadrah!, }
2:44 AM
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Yo peoplez!
I so kind right, update for you guys. Ya la, not as kind as Nadrah i know. -.- Btw who was the last one to add the CCAs? got 6 {?}s, i filled them in for you, so kind hor? (: okay la. i going sleep liao. peoplez, why all nv tag my blog de. go tag. or die.
ciao, the one who pwnz, damian.
9:36 AM
Haha , hi baybe .
Speechless atm .
- zombieluhvs
3:56 AM
Hey people! Lets all thank NADRAH fr constantly updating this stupid blog ! Teehee :D Clapclap ! OI DAMIAN I SAW YOU CLAPPING THE MRNG CLAP LA ! Change ! xDD Hahahaha *clapsclaps* Anyway, HomecomingDay is coming ! :D All must helpout ah !
Loves <3 . Laoniang blogged, and stopped.
12:34 AM
03 OIII! ,
small talk,
Hello! , Welcome to the blog of 103'10!
Spammers are not allowed
You spam, you're dead.
Whole class come find you.
So yeah, enjoy! (:
103' oneoh!♥ We're hyper, fun, and cooool!
Best class ever! , We rock!