Fuck you la, who is the imposter? you is that guy, im wei zen but i did NOT post the post before this. Dun force me to track down your IP address
Real weizen
11:54 PM
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Vote: Jia Han or me more f**ked up?
Wei Zen~
12:11 AM
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hey people, please update more kay? Cos this blog is kinda dead. But sometimes I lazy too, paisehh lah. :P Tuition started at 3, now 3.20 lerh, parents are SUPER late, but its a good thing. :D Tuition sucks, I'm sure most of you agree(except those nerds and gerds). At least there are friends there. Right?
11:18 PM
Friday, February 19, 2010
if you say the audio sucks >whatever > whats important is the sketchup structure THIS VIDEO IS MADE BY ZHAO_ COPYRIGHTED . U WANT TO FORGE NVM, BUT THE VID GOT MY NAME
6:46 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Yo, its damian. In comp lab naozxc. Haha.
4:44 PM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Yo. Cherie here. Why got anonymous post one ah? Aiyah dont play ley. Please write your name! Lets give a round of applause to DESIREE! for helping us edit the class blog! -clapclapclap- :D Thanks uh, thanks uh! :) Ohya, those who dont know the blogger username and password, and wants to post in this blog, go ask Weizen or me. Or any other people who knows. Yay! Tomorrow got school. [: I go chiong homework liao, byeeeeeeee! *waves*
11:11 PM
Friday, February 5, 2010
Waiting for game... Waiting for game...... Waiting for game......... Waiting for game............ Waiting for game............... Waiting for game.................. Waiting for game..................... Waiting for game........................ Waiting for game........................... Waiting for game.............................. Waiting for game................................. Waiting for game.................................... Waiting for game....................................... WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF wait so long. Still no game. Waste time. Still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting still waiting
hack care la dun play liao ur sure no who am I. If ur dun know then go bang ur head on the wall.
10:29 PM
LOL my teacher today in choir say dun hum the notes. Then we all think the "sick" way and everybody start laughing. then he say not that hum, is dun eat the notes. I was like wtf? what the freakin hell is it.
I know its lame tyty
6:27 AM
4:08 AM
03 OIII! ,
small talk,
Hello! , Welcome to the blog of 103'10!
Spammers are not allowed
You spam, you're dead.
Whole class come find you.
So yeah, enjoy! (:
103' oneoh!♥ We're hyper, fun, and cooool!
Best class ever! , We rock!