Hi it's Damian and I am bored :[ Promised to play with my brother but facebook distracted me. D: Now he's going to do his homework... Maybe that's a good way to make him submit all his homework on time. *evil grin* Haha joking lah. 103 Ftw!!!
8:04 AM
ZOMG! U guys cr8ted tis blog fer me? ZOMG! I runo how thx u all sial! z. TQ fer remindin how i much I TOTALLY RAWK! WEEEEE/ thx alod manxzzzcxcxzzv zczxzxzc xzczxcxzxzczxczzxzxzxcxzxzcxzcxzcz(quoted frm 'u-noe-hu'
6:15 AM
Yo people! Its me again, CHERIEDAN! wakaka! :D Well as you know, there have been some conflicts in this class . Well its kinda settled on the surface, and we seriously hope that it will be settled truly ! And yeah, continue to tag uh! Keep this blog and the tagboard alive ! . Must tag hor ! Dont read and zao ! ~ Alrights . Work really really hard okay ! Must do well in all tests hor ! Manymany tests will be zooming to us reallyreally soon ! In fact , the first one is next week ! Jiayou uh people ! Score reallyreally well ! Lets all promote to Express and not demote to Sec2Normal ): . Although Im reallyreally scared lah . But no worries ! WE CAN DO IT ! Weee ~ Lols, I gtg yeah ! Tag more uh !
2:47 AM
Friday, January 29, 2010
sch so sian,stiu gt so much hw,hate art!!! douglas..
10:36 PM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hi itz me ZhaoXiang and i think i rock thank you byebye happy tagging
9:50 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
got new blog? lol got meh, got and cherie why you so bad one. say you choibu pui can liao ma, why drag boys in so bad next time my turn push you into the water and make you wet :P. I will take my revenge. And lucky my laptop never spoil hor or esle i will kiiilllll you!!! And cherie, this blog haven open yet le still in process of renovating.
Weiwei the lemon or aka lemonade or aka lemon+juice= what Maths test pick a number 1-9 the num x3+3x3 then got two digit add them together and find ur idol if 9 is me ur idol
4:47 AM
Hello people! This blog is officially opened! Please write your name when you post uh! ^^ . Later we dontknow who you are ley. Andand, must tag before you leave hor! Dont be a stalker :P . Must post alotalot hor! Keep this blog super alive! :D Wooo ~ We rock! Jiayou for exams! Withloveeeeeeeeeeeeee, This blog was single-handely done by Darren Lim. No nid to thx me. Ang bao can liao. $5 can liaos ;
4:11 AM
03 OIII! ,
small talk,
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103' oneoh!♥ We're hyper, fun, and cooool!
Best class ever! , We rock!